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It's time to make your hormones work for you, not against you. 


Welcome to The Superwoman Code, The Podcast. 

Feb 25, 2020

Nutrition doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, it can be really simple. 

In this episode I tell you the science behind some of those so called "diets", why you should be eating based off the research and not what some instagram post tells you to eat and why the best diet has a little bit of everything and not too...

Feb 18, 2020

Is there a way to bring more heart and soul to the way we work? Can a thriving business be built on love? Can the way women operate save the dying businesses or the last century?

Is there room for love?

Meet Colette O’Hara, Chief Strategy Officer for the Saltwire Network, Entrepreneur, Hustler, Slower Downer and...

Feb 11, 2020

Ever hear the saying “work hard, play hard”?

How about the saying “work hard, sleep hard”. That one might be a better choice. 


When it comes to optimizing your health, there is nothing more important than sleep. Don’t believe me? Ask your mum how she felt when she couldn’t sleep through the night when she...

Feb 4, 2020

Do you swell before your period? Rings fit differently, you get bloated and have to find those leggings reserved only for that time of the month? 

What about literally experiencing aches and pains, joint irritation and headaches? 

Ever wonder if you were supposed to feel this way or if there was something more? 
