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It's time to make your hormones work for you, not against you. 


Welcome to The Superwoman Code, The Podcast. 

Feb 9, 2021

If there's anything I've learnt from literally treating thousands of women for burnout it's that the women who are "doing it all" are really good at setting boundaries, and knowing which balls will bounce when you drop them, and which ones will break. 

Today on the podcast I'm talking about balls... the kind we juggle. 

Tune in to learn more about one of the ways I've structured my life to support my health... and yours. But, just so we're both on the same page... no body can actually do it all. 

PS - This episode is sponsored by the amazing team at Burnout Blueprint. Use the promo code SUPERWOMAN to get 30% off the online course for burnout recovery. 

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Special Thanks To
Production: Ben Connolly
Supported by Cornerstone Naturopathic Inc